This displays the document using Adobe reader. Many of the files in your class are saved in. Default: a selection automatically used by a computer program in the absence of a choice made by the user. You can customize the margins by clicking on the Layout tab and the down arrow on the Margins command. Word Wrap - a feature that automatically moves a word that is too long to fit on a line to the beginning of the next line.Īre you pressing the Enter key with your right pinky? Delete deletes to the right. A forced Enter is commonly called a hard return. Only Enter to force a line ending such as with address lines or at the end of a paragraph. Do NOT press Enter key at the end of every line. Notice, you now have a Small caps option that is not available anywhere else. The Launcher button located to the bottom right of some group names will show more available commands. The tabs File, Home, and Insert show up first in Word, Publisher, and PowerPoint If a tab or command is not currently available, it will appear dimmed. Horizontal Scroll Bar Moves the window left to right. Help us keep SlideShare free It appears that you have an ad-blocker running.

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